Due Saturday!!! Pay UP!

Thank you very much to the thirty two Santas have paid so far. Now I just need the other 168 of you to send me funding for this event December 1st. You are all responsible for how great this event can be. Twenty one bucks is a pittance, so just get it to me without procrastination.

PayPal ($21.00) peteatthebeachsd (at) yahoo (dot) com

Snailmail: ($20.00) Pete A. P.O. Box 7468, San Diego CA 92167

Please step up folks.


SantaCon LA 2007 – the Facts


Originally uploaded by KingTermite.

Ahoy thar Santas, its that time of year again. Dust off (or clean the puke out of) your Santa costumes and prepare to prank, culture jam, eat, drink, and be Merry (or Mary) in Downtown LA Saturday 12/08/07.

When: Saturday 12/08/07 @ 11:00 A.M. (on the march by Noon)

Where: Downtown Los Angeles (exact meeting spot TBA)

How F-ing much?: Mail $20.00 CASH to me by 12/1 snail mail with an SASE to send you your sleigh pass.

Send to: Pete A., P.O.Box 7468, San Diego CA 92167 so I get it NO LATER than DEC 1st!

Or: PayPal me $21.00 to peteatthebeachsd (at) yahoo (dot) com

or, and I highly discourage this, you can pay me $25.00 CASH the day of the event but you must contact me first with your extenuating circumstances to get on the list.

Lets swell our numbers this year, even if it means including you damn elves!

12/08/07 SAVE THE DATE

FAQ: What’s the $20 for?

Originally uploaded by stutefish

The latest of the latest…


“To PayPal me for LA SantaCon, my email addy is peteatthebeachsd (at) yahoo (dot) com. (Sorry, I forgot topica trucates email addresses).

We may be using the Metro, rental buses, walking, or possibly all three modes of transportation. I’m walking the route tomorrow with a heal spur on my left foot, so rest assured, if I can handle the walking part, I’m pretty sure the rest of you Santas should be just fine. I’m also negotiating free cheap overnite parking for all the Santas driving into downtown LA as well as a few surprises on the route. However, most of this will NOT happen unless I have funding from caring Santas like you.

The more folks who PayPal me or mail me the $, the funner the event will be. If I don’t get the funding, it’s gonna be bare bones, and the few who paid me will get their $ back. I hope you all have faith in me to use the money wisely for a really great day Dec 8th, so please commit to this event and get me fully funded no later that 12/1. Ho. –HelliSanta”

The Latest on Santacon LA 07

drunk santa

Originally uploaded by absurdness.com.

Here’s the latest for this year’s (dis)Organizer:

I just got back from two solid days of Santa ReCon. After I process my intel, I'll post here with the results. Saturday 12/8 at Noon(earlier if you want to sit down and eat with all the Santa Clones)is *when* it's happening, so save the date please. If you havn't already, get your Santa suits ready, prepare your picket signage, and pop some new batteries into your bullhorns, 'cause Santa's comin' to town bitch!

"Santa make good poopie!"
--Jet Fuel

Santa Season

Santa Rampage

Originally uploaded by jp_ryan.

Two of Los Angeles’s biggest events are occurring back to back – This Friday and Saturday, December 8th and 9th.

Santa, got a bike?
The 8th will be the umpteeth monthly Midnight Ridazz – also known as the best and biggest rolling party in the US, if not the World. This month’s theme is the All City Toy Ride. Ridazz from all over the city will gather in Downtown LA. An unwrapped gift, valued between $5-$25, is suggested. I’m hoping to introduce some SantaCon regulars to the joys of Midnight Ridazz. I will be decked out in my SantaCon gear and riding from the Northeast LA (NELA) starting point. I’m hoping that some of you Santas would join me. NELA Ridazz will be starting at the Highland Park METRO Red line station (near Mr.T’s Bowl) at 9:45PM. This is a late night BIKE RIDE.

Ridazz, got a Santa Suit?
The 9th will be LA SantaCon 2006 – also known as LA’s Santarchist Santa Rampage, The Red Menace, Santarchy. Imagine hundreds of Santas prowling the streets of LA spreading holiday cheer in the most obnoxious, obscene and joyful way. Maybe some pictures will help to understand. LA’s Santacon events will start at Phillipe’s at Noon. I’m hoping that some Ridazz would join me, put on their best (or worst) Santa outfits and experience Santarchy. I will be riding my bike from NELA to the start, Union Station. This event is NOT a bike ride. We will be locking our bikes up at Union Station. This event is not for children, faint of heart, or easily offended.

Can you handle it?