The latest of the latest…
“To PayPal me for LA SantaCon, my email addy is peteatthebeachsd (at) yahoo (dot) com. (Sorry, I forgot topica trucates email addresses).
We may be using the Metro, rental buses, walking, or possibly all three modes of transportation. I’m walking the route tomorrow with a heal spur on my left foot, so rest assured, if I can handle the walking part, I’m pretty sure the rest of you Santas should be just fine. I’m also negotiating free cheap overnite parking for all the Santas driving into downtown LA as well as a few surprises on the route. However, most of this will NOT happen unless I have funding from caring Santas like you.
The more folks who PayPal me or mail me the $, the funner the event will be. If I don’t get the funding, it’s gonna be bare bones, and the few who paid me will get their $ back. I hope you all have faith in me to use the money wisely for a really great day Dec 8th, so please commit to this event and get me fully funded no later that 12/1. Ho. –HelliSanta”