Early Burning Man

5549 – Early Burning Man

Originally uploaded by DangerRanger.

This is a pretty cool video clip of the man burning early: CLIP

I missed it, because I got there around 730AM from driving the whole night (12 hours) there was no way I could stay up. The next morning I heard about it, and I looked and could see it from my camp, all charred and limp. I thought it was funny. I thought it was well within the spirit of the event. Heck, even Larry Harvey himself thought it was pretty funny. He was one of the founders of Burning Man. Heck, he built the original “Men”. He laughed, he says so himself on this little clip: CLIP

Next time they should save the money, and let it burn… Then again, a bunch of people got to see two burns, and a lot of newbies got to see the pinnacle of their event.

Personally it’s about the whole week, not just the Burning of the Man.

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