Crawl! fanzine no. 10: New Class Options!


This issue features New class options for Demi-humans!

A Multi-classing System for even more class options!

Also in this issue, Random Physical Traits Tables

And info on the various Community Based 3rd-Party Classes!

SKU: SCF1010 Categories: ,


Race as Class feeling limited?

This issue features New class options for Demi-humans!

Elven RogueElves with Thief Abilities
Dwarven PriestDwarves with Cleric Abilities
Halfling BurglarHalflings Expanded with Thief Abilities
Halfling ChampionHalflings with Mighty Deeds

A Multi-classing System for even more class options!

Also in this issue, Random Physical Traits Tables

And info on the various Community Based 3rd-Party Classes!

Written by Rev. Dak J. Ultimak, Jeffrey Tadlock, Daniel J. Bishop, Colin Chapman, Brad Littman

Cover and Interior Art by Mario Torres Jr.